Why carry out Home Rewiring Bristol

Fairway Electrical Bristol believe there are three top reasons why you would need a Home Rewire and these are:

  • Outdated wiring in your home can potentially be dangerous and cause electrical malfunctions and even a fire
  • Homes now a days have a much higher demand for electricity therefore the wiring might need to be replaced to work efficiently
  • Safety Regulations continue to get updated and new wiring will ensure it meets them

What’s involved in Home Rewiring Bristol

Should you hire Fairway Electrical Bristol the typical steps we will take in order to complete your Home Rewiring Bristol will start with removing the old wiring. We will then install new electrical cables and replace all switches, sockets and light fixtures. Next we would upgrade your homes consumer unit and rewire power and lighting circuits for you. This would be followed by any telephone and TV aerial sockets rounding it all off by adding any required cabling for new technology. 

Benefits to Home Rewiring Bristol

The key benefits to Home Rewiring Bristol are safety, an increase to your property value, modern functionality, energy efficiency, compliance and an improvement to your aesthetics.

First and foremost Fairway Electrical Bristol have to stress the importance of this service. It can reduce the risk of a fire from old, damaged or insufficiently insulted cables and updates all safety features. It has also been found that a recently rewired home is more attractive to buyers thus increasing its market value. It also allows for new power outlets and additional circuits to be added to accommodate your modern-day lifestyle and can even be designed to be more energy efficient. Ensuring your home meets current building regulations and safety standards must be a priority over and above updating fixtures and switches simply to offer a more contemporary look.

Home Rewiring Bristol Regulations

Home Rewiring Bristol must comply with Part P of the Building Regulations which applies to all fixed installations in a home and BS 7671 which is the standard for the design, installation, inspection, testing, verification and certification of electrical installations. It is also recommended that this work be carried out by a qualified electrician from Fairway Electrical Bristol to ensure it meets these safety standards and that it must be inspected and tested by a Part P electrician of which we are registered the same.

Fairway Electrical Bristol

Fairway Electrical Bristol are your local, reliable and trustworthy Home Rewiring Electrician. Your entire electrical system will be handled with both expertise and care. We are fully qualified, NAPIT registered, and Part P approved which can offer you peace of mind in that our work is regularly assessed to ensure it continues to meet their standards, levels of competence and safety. Guarantees on our work are also provided via NAPIT and us. So do not avoid the inevitable and give us a call today to arrange your Home Rewiring Bristol appointment on 0117 239 4701.